Latvijas Republikas prokuratūra

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The European Judicial Network in criminal matters


The Prosecutor General’s Office together with the Ministry of Justice is representing Latvia in the European Judicial Network in criminal matters which deals with the exchange of the information and opinions between the Member States of the European Union within the frameworks of the criminal judicial cooperation, and with setting up of the direct contacts between the officials of the competent authorities of the EU Member States. The European Judicial Network provides an insight into the legislation of the EU Member States in relation with an implementation of the EU legal instruments in each Member State.

The Ministry of Justice within the mentioned network is acting as the National Correspondent. Whereas the representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office are acting as the National Contact Points of the Network. 

The Prosecutor General’s Office the Republic of Latvia has appointed as the National Contact Points for the European Judicial Network in criminal matters the following Prosecutors of the International Cooperation Division of the Department of Analysis and Management of the Prosecutor General’s Office:

Mr Mārcis Viļums (telephone: (+371) 67044420, fax: (+371) 67044449, email:

Ms Agrita Valce (telephone: (+371) 67044866, fax: (+371) 67044449, email:

Ms Ieva Paeglīte (telephone: (+371) 67044525, fax: (+371) 67044449, email:
